Accurate and up-to-date information on the work of the IMF has been in high demand throughout the years. Our factsheets are a popular outreach tool, with over a million internet "visits" a year. The factsheets provide a web-friendly, plain-English explanation of the work of the IMF on the issues of most importance to our key stakeholders as well as to those developing an interest in our work.

Browse by: Topic or Date Last Updated

What is the IMF? April 11, 2022

How the IMF Makes Decisions September 19, 2022

IMF Accountability September 12, 2022

Selection Process for IMF Managing Director September 7, 2022

The IMF and the World Bank July 12, 2022

Where the IMF Gets Its Money July 15, 2022

Gold in the IMF September 16, 2022

Special Drawing Rights (SDR) July 29, 2022

IMF Quotas March 4, 2021

IMF and Good Governance June 24, 2022