IMF Topical Work

Featured Topics
Climate Change

The IMF’s latest work on the economic and financial aspects of climate change, including policy advice to our member countries to help them manage risks and capture the opportunities of low-carbon, resilient growth.

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Financial technology—fintech—opens opportunities to boost economic growth, especially for financial inclusion, but policymakers must also address the risks. Read the latest IMF research on these issues, including the future of digital currencies.

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Gender and the IMF
Gender and the IMF

While equality between men and women is in itself an important development goal, women's economic participation is also a part of the growth and stability equation.

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Income Inequality

Excessive inequality can erode social cohesion, lead to political polarization, lower economic growth and can be detrimental for macroeconomic stability, but IMF policies can be designed to tackle inequality without negative repercussions for growth.

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Innovation at the IMF

In a time of change, digital transformation, and technological progress, innovation helps the IMF respond and deliver its core activities in an agile, integrated, and member country-focused way. Read more about IMF's initiatives and innovation challenges with our partners.

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Low-Income Countries (LIC)

Learn more about how the IMF has acted with unprecedented speed and scale to support low-income countries during the pandemic.

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