The Executive Board (the Board) is responsible for conducting the day-to-day business of the IMF. It is composed of 24 Directors, who are elected by member countries or by groups of countries, and the Managing Director, who serves as its Chairman. The Board usually meets several times each week. It carries out its work largely on the basis of papers prepared by IMF management and staff.

The table below shows quota and voting shares for IMF members. Following the entry into force of the Board Reform Amendment on January 26, 2016, members who have consented to their quota increases can pay their quota increases under the 14th General Review of Quotas. Quota and voting shares will change as members pay their quota increases. During this process, this table will be updated regularly (see here for more details on the Quota and Governance reforms agreed in 2010.)

Casting Votes of Votes by Country Total Votes1 Percent of Fund Total2
Elizabeth Shortino
United States 831,401 831,401 16.50
Jun Mizuguchi
Mikari Kobayashi
Japan 309,664 309,664 6.14
Zhengxin Zhang
Zhengxin Zhang
China 306,288 306,288 6.08
Paul Hilbers
Luc Dresse
Vladyslav Rashkovan
Andorra 2,284
Armenia 2,747
Belgium 65,566
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,111
Bulgaria 10,422
Croatia 8,633
Cyprus 4,497
Georgia 3,563
Israel 20,668
Luxembourg 14,677
Moldova 3,184
Montenegro 2,064
Netherlands 88,824
North Macedonia 2,862
Romania 19,573
Ukraine 21,577 275,252 5.46
Joerg Stephan
Hyun Koh
Germany 267,803 267,803 5.31
Pablo Moreno Garcia
Jose Romero Tarazona
Alfonso Guerra de Luna
Colombia 21,904
Costa Rica 5,153
El Salvador 4,331
Guatemala 5,745
Honduras 3,957
Mexico 90,586
Spain 96,814 228,490 4.53
Rosemary Lim
Firman Mochtar
Brunei Darussalam 4,472
Cambodia 3,209
Fiji, Republic of 2,443
Indonesia 47,943
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2,517
Malaysia 37,797
Myanmar 6,627
Nepal 3,028
Philippines 21,888
Singapore 40,378
Thailand 33,578
Tonga 1,597
Vietnam 12,990 218,467 4.33
Domenico G. Fanizza
Michael Massourakis
Albania 2,852
Greece 25,748
Italy 152,159
Malta 3,142
Portugal 22,060
San Marino 1,951 207,912 4.13
Arnaud Fernand Buisse
France 203,010 203,010 4.03
Shona E. Riach
Matthew Trott
United Kingdom 203,010 203,010 4.03
Chang Huh
Angelia Grant
Oscar Parkyn
Australia 67,183
Kiribati 1,571
Korea 87,286
Marshall Islands 1,508
Micronesia, Federated States of 1,531
Mongolia 2,182
Nauru 1,487
New Zealand 13,980
Palau 1,508
Papua New Guinea 4,091
Samoa 1,621
Seychelles 1,688
Solomon Islands 1,667
Tuvalu 1,484
Vanuatu 1,697 190,484 3.78
Philip John Jennings
Feargal O'Brolchain
Antigua and Barbuda 1,659
Bahamas, The 3,283
Barbados 2,404
Belize 1,726
Canada 111,698
Dominica 1,574
Grenada 1,623
Ireland 35,958
Jamaica 5,288
St. Kitts and Nevis 1,584
St. Lucia 1,673
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1,576 170,046 3.37
Mika Poso
Anne Marcussen
Denmark 35,853
Estonia 3,895
Finland 25,565
Iceland 4,677
Latvia 4,782
Lithuania 5,875
Norway 39,006
Sweden 45,759 165,412 3.28
Daniel Palotai
Halil Azal
Christian Just
Austria 40,779
Belarus 8,274
Czech Republic 23,261
Hungary 20,859
Kosovo 2,285
Slovak Republic 11,469
Slovenia 7,324
Türkiye 48,045 162,296 3.22
Ita Mannathoko
Willie Nakunyada
Vuyelwa Vumendlini
Angola 8,860
Botswana 3,431
Burundi 2,999
Eritrea 1,618
Eswatini 2,244
Ethiopia 4,466
Gambia, The 2,081
Kenya 6,887
Lesotho 2,157
Liberia 4,043
Malawi 2,847
Mozambique 3,731
Namibia 3,370
Nigeria 26,004
Sierra Leone 3,533
Somalia 3,093
South Africa 31,971
South Sudan, Republic of 3,919
Sudan 7,761
Tanzania 5,437
Uganda 5,069
Zambia 11,241
Zimbabwe 8,527 155,289 3.08
Afonso Bevilaqua
Frank Fuentes Brito
Bruno Coelho Saraiva
Brazil 111,879
Cabo Verde 1,696
Dominican Republic 6,233
Ecuador 8,436
Guyana 3,277
Haiti 3,097
Nicaragua 4,059
Panama 5,227
Suriname 2,748
Timor-Leste 1,715
Trinidad and Tobago 6,157 154,524 3.07
Surjit Singh Bhalla
Chandranath Amarasekara
Clement Roman
Bangladesh 12,125
Bhutan 1,663
India 132,603
Sri Lanka 7,247 153,638 3.05
Piotr Trabinski
Marcel Peter
Azerbaijan 5,376
Kazakhstan 13,043
Kyrgyz Republic 3,235
Poland 42,413
Serbia 8,007
Switzerland 59,170
Tajikistan 3,199
Turkmenistan 3,845
Uzbekistan 6,971 145,259 2.88
Aleksei V. Mozhin
Sergey Potapov
Russian Federation 130,496
Syrian Arab Republic 4,395 134,891 2.68
Hossein Mirshojaeian Hosseini
Mohammed El Qorchi
Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of 4,697
Algeria 21,058
Ghana 8,839
Iran, Islamic Republic of 37,130
Libya 17,191
Morocco 10,403
Pakistan 21,769
Tunisia 6,911 127,998 2.54
Mahmoud Mohieldin
Ali Mohamed Ali Khamis Alhosani
Bahrain 5,409
Egypt 21,830
Iraq 18,097
Jordan 4,890
Kuwait 20,794
Lebanon 7,794
Maldives 1,671
Oman 6,903
Qatar 8,810
United Arab Emirates 24,571
Yemen, Republic of 6,329 127,098 2.52
Abdullah Fahad M Binzarah
Mohamed Alrashed
Saudi Arabia 101,385 101,385 2.01
Aivo Handriatiana Andrianarivelo
Regis N'Sonde
Facinet Sylla
Benin 2,697
Burkina Faso 2,663
Cameroon 4,219
Central African Republic 2,573
Chad 2,861
Comoros 1,637
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 12,119
Congo, Republic of 3,079
Côte d'Ivoire 7,963
Djibouti 1,777
Equatorial Guinea 3,034
Gabon 3,619
Guinea 3,601
Guinea-Bissau 1,743
Madagascar 3,903
Mali 3,325
Mauritania 2,747
Mauritius 2,881
Niger 2,775
Rwanda 3,061
São Tomé and Príncipe 1,607
Senegal 4,695
Togo 2,927 81,506 1.62
Sergio Chodos
Luis Herrera
Argentina 33,332
Bolivia 3,860
Chile 18,902
Paraguay 3,473
Peru 14,804
Uruguay 5,750 80,121 1.59
Total of eligible Fund votes   5,001,244   99.233

1Voting power varies on certain matters pertaining to the General Department with use of the Fund's resources in that Department.
2Percentages of total votes (5,039,930) in the General Department and the Special Drawing Rights Department.
3This figure may differ from the sum of the percentages shown for individual countries because of rounding.